Recommended Keyboard Shortcuts for LibreOffice

Recommended keyboard shortcuts for use in various programs of LibreOffice.

Shortcut Function
Ctrl + B Makes selected text bold.
Ctrl + C Copies the selected data.
Ctrl + I Italicizes selected text.
Ctrl + N Creates a new document in a new window.
Ctrl + O Opens a new document in a new window.
Ctrl + P Prints the document.
Ctrl + S Saves the document in the current window.
Ctrl + U Underlines selected text.
Ctrl + V Pastes the copied data where selected.
Ctrl + X Cuts the selected data.
Ctrl + Y Redo the previous document change.
Ctrl + Z Undo the previous document change.
Ctrl + 1 (in Calc) Opens Format Cells dialog box.
F5 (in Impress) Starts a presentation from the beginning.
F7 Starts a spelling (and if applicable grammar) check.
A Virginia Tech Technical Writing project.